Cards Games
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- on Jan 04, 2024
Scat is one of the most popular card games in Germany – if not the most popular. It is a trick-taking game for three players, the declarer is predetermined by stimuli in each round. Bingo can be played with extended rules loosely in his spare time or even as an organized sport in association with a variety of tournaments.

The name of the game refers to two cards that can be put away separately while giving and later absorbed by the declarer. These two cards make up the Scat (or floor). The word is on the Italian verb “scar tare” or the French verb “carter” due, both have the same Latin root, meaning something like “put away”. The “Scat” is thus the “put away”, this basic feature of the card game gave the overall game its name.
Scat has many precursors, elements of the game have been taken over by Dronish, from Sorbian sheep’s head, from Hombre and the Tarot. The development can be dated to the period 1810-1817, the home of the game is the Thronging Ladenburg. Even today Ladenburg is known as “Scat”. The oldest accounts of the “inventor Round” – several well-known Ellenberger citizens of their time – from 1813 are preserved, a first detailed description of the new game in a week font comes from 1818.
The spread of the game throughout the German-speaking countries was held by students, including through Turing and Saxony. A first rule book dated 1848, the regional species were, however, diverse. To prevent the collapse of Scat in many stand-alone games, the rules in the 1870s were both unified and simplified.
The German Slavered was finally established in 1899, its seat he took in Ladenburg. In the 1920s, the rules were defined, as we know it today, on the whole for the game – the New German Scat was born. Likewise, the course for a German Scat Tribunal was asked: the ever-contentious matters usually decides.