
Of course luck will sometimes go a great distance in affording you some degree of success at the blackjack table but in the long run, it is a better idea to have a logical strategy in mind to increase your odds of winning regularly. There are a few conventional strategies that are pretty widely accepted in the game of blackjack. Such rules include never splitting 5s or 10s and always splitting aces. The conventional wisdom behind not splitting 5s is basically that a hand of 10 is somewhat favorable as a hit of 7, 8, 9, 10, a face card or an ace all result in good hands. A 5 however is not a favorable hand as being hit with a 7, 8, 9, 10, or face card puts you in a difficult situation where you have to hit again but a value of 10 will cause you to bust. Splitting 10s is not recommended because it takes away a solid hand of 20 and gives you two hands of 10 that may put you in a bad position. A hit of two 10s or aces would be great but a hit of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 all put you in a bad position. For this reason it is considered safer to keep the 20 hand and hope the dealer doesn’t hit blackjack or 21. The following table is a useful reference for indicating when to hit, stand, split or double down.

When to take Insurance

When the dealer is showing an ace, they may ask you if you would like insurance. In this scenario, you are allowed to bet up to half of your original wager that the dealer has a 10 in the hole. Your insurance bet is lost if the dealer does not have blackjack but is one at a 1:1 payout if they do have a blackjack hand. The odds of the dealer having blackjack is 3:1 so it recommended that you waive the insurance. There are some exceptions, however. As previously mentioned it is always advisable to be aware of what cards have already been played and as a result, what cards are remaining. If you are aware of the fact that there are many cards with a 10 value remaining, you may opt to take insurance in this instance.

Betting Wisely

There are many theories on how to bet when you are playing blackjack. Many methods call for you to start with a relatively low bet and then increase or even double your bet each time you lose. Once you win a hand, you go back to the low bet and start over again. The theory behind these methods is that you will eventually be due for a win and by increasing your bet each hand when you finally do win, it will be a substantial jackpot for you. The problem with these theories, however, is that as much as there is skill and strategy involved, blackjack is still largely a game of chance. You can play everything perfectly and according to a logical and proven strategy and still have a losing day. For this reason, it is advisable to follow a much more conservative betting strategy.

A wise betting strategy is one where you bet moderately to start and if you happen onto a winning streak, begin increasing your bets slightly. Many gamblers get caught up with placing extravagant bets after a winning streak because they believe that since they are playing with their winnings they are playing with the houses money. In actuality, this money is yours. You have earned it and are free to walk away from the table with it at any time. While betting high may be fun, it has the potential for significant losses. It’s better to maintain a certain degree of conservatism even when you are winning. The theory of betting less when you are losing and more when you are winning is very simple but it can be hard to follow in the heat of the moment. Having an established game plan for when you will quit playing will help you to manage your money well. For example you can plan ahead to leave the table after you have lost an initial investment or after you have made a certain percentage, say doubling your initial investment. This will keep you from buying in and losing more than you planned or from continuing to play after a losing streak and losing your winnings back to the house.

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